Travel Insurance

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We highly recommend the purchase of Travel Insurance that helps provide coverage for Trip Cancellation, Interruption, Baggage Loss or Delay, Medial Express, and more. The option to cancel for any reason (not just a covered reason) may also be a feature you want to consider.   

Travel Insurance Referrals

There are many options when it comes to travel insurance and the process of getting a quote and purchasing has become very streamlined and easy.  Below are a few popular companies we recommend.

Simply click the link and enter basic information like your state of residence, total trip cost (include air, hotel, can rental, transfers, etc.), travel dates, date of birth, destination, and date you first paid any money on your trip. They company with provide you with a choice of travel insurance plans to choose from.

Also, feel free to check with your credit card company and/or google “Travel Protection” to find many options that are available to you. Do your research and choose the best package for your needs! 

Reasons to Purchase Travel Insurance 

It’s essential to buy travel insurance for every trip, because you never know what might happen when you’re far from home! There are hundreds of circumstances that could cause you to cancel your trip, return home early or force you to seek emergency medical treatment while traveling. Here are a few important seven reasons to buy travel insurance.

You don’t want to lose all your money if you have to cancel your trip.

Accidents can — and do — happen while traveling.

Your health insurance probably won’t work overseas.

Medical evacuations can be really expensive.

Only 80 percent of U.S. flights arrive on time.

A missing bag can ruin your trip.

Sometimes, even expert travelers need a little help.

We suggest travel insurance to all our clients just in case the “what if” happens to you. Please strongly consider travel protection coverage when you purchase one of our travel packages or buying travel in general. It’s better to have the insurance and not need it, than to need it and not have it!

Refund Policy

All payments to 3C Group LLC d/b/a Real Travel Vibes and Cardiss Travel are non-refundable and non-transferable. This is because 3C Group LLC d/b/a Real Travel Vibes and Cardiss Travel often has contractual agreements with hotels, airlines and other travel vendors that will not allow us to obtain any refunds. It also enables us to keep our package prices competitive and offer our clients opportunities to make monthly payments.