Roommate Match Program

Your friends are probably NOT coming, but BOOK THE TRIP ANYWAY!

Here’s what normally happens… your friends say they’re interested, but when it comes time to put the money down and book the trip, they just can’t seem to commit. Don’t miss out on the next trip simply because your friends and family are not able to go with you!  Our FREE Roommate Matching program helps you save on single occupancy rates (which could push the trip cost out of your budget) by matching you with another solo traveler to share a room.  The savings can be substantial, and you might even find your new travel buddy for future trips!

With our Roommate Matching program, simply book one of our travel packages with Roommate Matching available and tell us you’d like a roommate.

To use our Roommate Matching program:

    1. Select any one of our programs that has Roommate Matching available.
    2. During the booking process, select a package with “double occupancy”.
    3. When filling out the traveler’s details, select the roommate match option
      1. Complete the remaining fields, select your payment option, and make your payment

    How Our Roommate Match Program Works

    When your reservation is complete, you will be emailed a link to the roommate survey to fill out information about your travel preferences.  It is important that you fill this information out completely and honestly so that you are matched accordingly.

    After you have submitted the survey and when at least 75% of your reservation has been paid, you will receive an email from Real Travel Vibes with the with the name, email address of your match – and we’ll provide your info to them.

    We encourage you to review the information and it is strongly recommended that you and your potential match have a few conversations via email AND phone to get to know a little about one another before the trip.

    Once received, you will have 14 days to decline the roommate auto assignment. If the roommate auto assignment is declined, your reservation will be changed to a solo traveler, and you become liable for any single occupancy fees.

    That’s it…. It’s easy, free, and a great way to find a travel companion!

    Some Things to Keep in Mind

      • Are you a smoker?
      • How well do you get along with others in a small space?
      • Does the snoring of others annoy you?
      • Do you participate in recreational activities that many may find offensive?
      • Do you like to chat on the phone late at night?
      • Are you super sensitive to smells?

    Tips and Etiquette

      • Have a chat with your assigned roommate at least twice before the trip.
      • Don’t touch your roommate’s belongings.
      • Respect the space you all are sharing.
      • Clean your own mess.
      • Respect quiet time.
      • Don’t be overly sensitive.
      • Handle problems quickly.
      • Don’t forget the Poo-Pouri!

    Roommate Matching Program – Terms & Conditions

      • We provide this Roommate Matching program as a service to our customers. However, we cannot guarantee you will be assigned a suitable roommate or that you will get along with your assigned roommate. Rooming with a stranger can be a challenge, even when both of you try hard to get along. You take full responsibility for your choice of utilizing the Roommate Matching program.
      • If you decline the roommate that is automatically assigned your booking will be change to a solo traveler and be liable for paying the single occupancy supplement by the final payment date.
      • We will not be held liable for any costs or complications arising from an unpleasant roommate situation. Once your trip begins, separating into single rooms may not be possible, or will incur additional expenses for both of you.
      • This program is only available on select scheduled date packages and is not available on flexible date packages, custom or private group tours, or any other products.